Local Age UK tackles cost-of-living crisis head on - helping older people access more than £4 million in extra income

Published on 25 April 2024 10:53 AM
Age UK West Sussex, Brighton & Hove’s Information and Advice helpline has been tackling the cost-of-living crisis head on this year, by putting a combined total of more than £4 million into the pockets of eligible older people*.
Specialist advisors help by supporting people to access unclaimed benefits, reduce debt or receive discounts they are entitled to, helping ease financial worries for many older people locally. Many callers have no idea they can claim anything, and some are thousands of pounds a year better off, which can be life changing.
Liz Ansell, Helpline Manager at Age UK WSBH said “This year has been our most successful ever in terms of accessing help for older people, many of whom are living in poverty, are cold in winter or are worried about the climbing cost of food and utilities. In a lot of cases, people have no idea at all they can access any Government support and are overwhelmed when they find out that they can get a regular top up to a sometimes-meagre pension. If anyone over 50 is struggling right now, it’s worth giving us a call. It’s confidential, free of charge and you may find you’re able to access discounts or benefits immediately. Please don’t suffer in silence.”
Although the Information and Advice team is small - the equivalent of just four full time advisors - it provides great value for money. For every £1 spent on the team, the charity can access approximately £18 in benefits/grants for older people. Most enquiries take over 2 hours of advisor time as cases are often complex and can require persistence to ensure that the caller has as much support as possible.
Advisers on the helpline can provide up to date information and advice on a whole range of topics, not just financial matters. Housing needs, finding help at home, health and social care, family and personal matters, leisure and social activities, plus advice for carers is all covered. Older people who need support can contact the helpline by calling 0800 019 1310, lines are open 9am – 2pm, Monday to Friday.
One caller to Age UK WSBH was struggling financially and had a broken boiler, which he and his wife couldn’t afford to fix. The charity offered a comprehensive benefits review. As a result, the caller was approved for a higher rate attendance allowance, along with a carer’s premium. Additionally, they received a substantial 45% discount on their water bills and a generous £700 energy grant. This meant a total annual improvement of £8,300 in their finances.
Age UK West Sussex, Brighton & Hove is a local brand partner of Age UK, but is an independent charity, raising its own funds which are all spent locally.
Age UK WSBH is relying on donations to help as many people as possible right now. Donations to the Age UK WSBH Lifeline Appeal can be made by telephone on 0800 019 1310 or by visiting https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/Lifeline-Appeal
*The £4 million figure is for the financial year 2023 - 2024
Image copyright of https://www.agewithoutlimits.org/