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Local Age UK and Kiddie Capers Childcare bring the generations together as new nursery opens in Haywards Heath

Published on 23 September 2024 10:54 AM

Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove and nursery provider, Kiddie Capers Childcare are bringing the generations together via a new nursery, that opened earlier this month in the grounds of the Age UK centre at Lamb House in Haywards Heath.

The nursery is in the Garden Room at Lamb House, a separate space from the main community centre, but just next door, meaning joint activities are easily arranged. As well as fostering intergenerational connections between the children and Age UK WSBH members, renting out the space also provides valuable income for Age UK WSBH’s vital work, supporting people with issues like finances, frailty and loneliness.

In the coming months, a range of activities are scheduled where nursery workers will accompany children as they visit Age UK. Older people will have the opportunity to work with the children in the community garden, visit the forest school area with them and read to them, helping them learn, try new things and develop social skills. In turn Age UK WSBH members who volunteer can enjoy the energy and laughter the children provide, benefit from staying active and tackle feelings of isolation.   

Rowan Hillier, Head of Localities at Age UK WSBH said “We’re really excited about the partnership with Kiddie Capers Childcare. Research shows that intergenerational connection can be hugely beneficial for all involved, and for those keen to participate, it’s just great fun. Our members can read to the children, play games, or get stuck into something more active like gardening. We’re bringing the community together and it’s lovely to see old and young having fun together.”

Becky Chapman, Central Operations Manager at Kiddie Capers Childcare said “Our nursery is warm and nurturing, but also offers our children the opportunity to explore, learn and grow by meeting new people and trying new things. We’re delighted that Age UK WSBH members can join us in some of our activities. Connections like these bridge the generations to enrich lives and create some lovely memories.”

The Garden Room is a 24-place nursery for children aged 2 - 5 years old. There are still some places available and prospective parents can visit, email or call 01444 487736 for more information.

Lamb House is a busy hub for older people, offering activities like exercise classes, a choir, an art club and gardening club plus services like hairdressing and reflexology. The centre also has a café serving lunch Monday to Friday. For further details visit, call 0800 019 1310 or email