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Age UK WSBH launches new research report on ageing in Brighton & Hove

Published on 02 September 2024 02:23 PM

Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove has published a qualitative report today, which outlines the concerns of older people locally, as they age. ‘Ageing Well in Brighton & Hove’ provides a snapshot of how people feel about ageing and the difficulties and challenges they face.

Twelve participants from diverse backgrounds and aged between 54 – 92 were interviewed and asked about their experiences of ageing in Brighton & Hove. Three key themes emerged - future planning and resilience, creating an age friendly community and identity.

Interviewees discussed concerns around safe housing, a lack of accessible transport options and social isolation. One participant expressed that she’d been housebound for approximately three years as she was unable to get out and about alone.

Another common theme was regarding a lack of connection and face-to-face support, with people acknowledging that many services had moved online.

Report author and Head of Localities at Age UK WSBH, Rowan Hillier said “This research gives us a picture of some of the issues affecting older people locally. People spoke about feeling unsupported, isolated, or invisible and we must tackle that. We hope the report will open up some conversations locally and will prompt people to work with us and take action to make Brighton & Hove more age friendly.

Age UK WSBH is already acting on the feedback and plans to open a new hub in central Brighton soon where people can access face-to-face information, advice and support. The charity will also have an information leaflet library, workshops on key issues like power of attorney and can help people get online, so they can digitally shop, bank or connect.

To read the report, find out more about ageing well in Brighton & Hove and to see some of the action being taken, please click here.