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Food Deliveries Across West Sussex, Brighton & Hove

Published on 06 May 2020 05:18 PM

Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, Age UK West Sussex Brighton & Hove has completely adapted its services to provide an emergency response for older people unable to leave their homes. The charity has been delivering food and medication across a wide geographical area and has been meeting individual needs on a case by case basis.

Unfortunately, with centres closed and fundraising activities limited, Age UK West Sussex, Brighton & Hove (WSBH) is also losing vital income each month. In order for its pandemic response to be sustainable, the charity has decided to streamline its food deliveries so it can continue to be there for as many people as possible, during this difficult time.

From Monday 11 May, the following services will be offered:

  • Emergency Deliveries – for those most in need,  Age UK WSBH will continue to distribute items from food and essentials donated by the general public and supermarkets.
  • Basics Boxes – Age UK WSBH can deliver an ‘essentials’ box which includes items like bread, milk & tinned foods for just £10.
  • Fresh meals (available in selected areas) – a main course and dessert delivered, with heating instructions. Just £5.50 per meal.
  • Necessity shop(available in selected areas) – essential items are delivered to doorsteps for a minimum donation of £5, there is a limited choice for items in these deliverie 
  • Personalised Isolation Shopping Service – a personalised service, where people can choose the specific items they need. Customers would sign up for six weeks, paying a subscription charge of £30, plus £10 per hour spent shopping. If further support is needed after six weeks, customers are able to sign up to our existing ‘Help at Home’ service, to receive ongoing support with things like shopping, laundry and cleaning.

Age UK WSBH will work with each individual, to assess their circumstances and which method of support is most suitable for them.

We are here for you! – If you need support with food deliveries at this time, please don’t hesitate to call us on 01903 731 800 or email