About us

Age UK Westminster are an independent charity that formed in 1947 to offer support to people aged 50 and over and to campaign on their behalf.
Who Are Age UK Westminster?
Age UK Westminster is an independent local charity that is part of the Age UK movement.
Age UK Westminster exists to promote the well-being of older people in the City of Westminster and help make life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience within our local community.
Where you can find us
Age UK Westminster Head Office
Age UK Westminster
Beethoven Centre
Third Avenue
W10 4JL -
Harrow Road Charity Shop
Age UK Westminster
522 Harrow Road
W9 3QF
Our "About Us" leaflet
Age UK Westminster exists to promote the well-being of older people in the City of Westminster and to help make their lives a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We focus on services that reduce financial hardship, disadvantage and social isolation for older people in our local community.
Our aims are:
- To encourage choice and opportunity for older people.
- To be a direct service provider of high quality services for older people.
- To ensure that older people are aware of, and have access to, the benefits to which they are entitled.
- To advocate on behalf of older people.
- To tackle issues such as isolation and loneliness within our local community.
- To promote positive attitudes towards older people and ageing.
Age UK will promote and support individual rights and choice within our services.
Users are entitled to:
- Have their cultural, ethnic, religious, sexual and emotional needs respected.
- Enjoy freedom from threat, injury, insult and ridicule in every aspect of their life.
- Enjoy their personal independence and personal choices and to receive help in achieving these.
- Users should be known by the name of their choice, be treated with dignity and be assured that their personal and private matters will be treated in confidence.
- Care for themselves as far as they are able irrespective of how long this may take to accomplish.
- Be involved in decisions concerning the services they receive or the day centre they attend.
- Be kept informed of any future changes that may affect the services they receive.
- Be informed of Age UK Westminster’s policies and procedures including the procedure for making a complaint.
What we do
We give advice
Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people, their families and carers.
Volunteering opportunities
We offer volunteering opportunities enabling you to make a unique contribution to the life of older people in the City of Westminster.
We befriend
Our volunteer befrienders work with lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to.
We provide activities
We provide a wide range of activity groups, events and classes, giving older people the opportunity to socialise, or learn a new skill.
Complaints Procedure
However good the practices of an organisation, it is always possible for mistakes to be made, and there are bound to be at least a few people who feel that they have grounds for complaint. Therefore, it is important that Age UK Westminster has an effective complaints procedure.
Experience has shown that prompt and sensitive handling of complaints at an early stage can prevent an issue from becoming a formal complaint. Often these are resolved simply by listening and, where appropriate, an assurance that the same circumstances will not arise again.