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  • Location: Age UK Wandsworth
  • Price: Free
Call 02088 778956 for more info

Please note, this service is only available in the borough of Wandsworth.

Our long-running Be-a-Friend programme matches socially isolated older people with Age UK Wandsworth volunteers to provide regular companionship.

What does the service provide?

• Information and support
The project coordinator will first visit the older person to see what they want from the service and ensure they are receiving appropriate services. The coordinator will also make suggestions as to the range of local activities available.

• Be-a-Friend volunteers
The coordinator will personally introduce the older person to the volunteer. The same volunteer visits, usually each week, to develop a firm friendship. Volunteers will do what any friend might - have a chat over tea, share news, play cards or scrabble...

• Telephone Befriending
We have dedicated volunteers who make regular telephone calls to people known to the project who are not currently being visited.

• Greeting Card scheme
Birthdays and Christmas can be a very lonely time for many people. All Be-a-Friend customers get cards on these anniversaries.

Who is suitable for this service?

The person must be over 60 years old and live alone. Our customers have very few friends, if any, to spend time with them and are unable to get out without a great deal of assistance.

Who are the Be-a-Friend volunteers?

Our volunteers are carefully selected, police-checked and supported by the Be-a-Friend project. We are in close contact with our volunteers, and we ensure we are offering a good quality service for all our users. Our volunteers are caring and reliable people.

If this is a role you are interested in volunteering for, click the link below for information on how to apply.

How do I access the service?

Self referrals, family and friends can call 020 8877 8956 / 020 8877 8940, or email

If you are a health or social professional who would like to refer a client, please click the link below to visit our professional referrals page, where you will be able to download referral forms and access further information.

Age UK Wandsworth reserves the right to refuse any referrals at its discretion.

Professional referrals

Meet Jean - one of the people we support with this service: