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Your Personal Details:

Your Contact Details

Volunteer Opportunities:

Please tick All of the services you wish to be considered for:
Please tick your preferred option - we cannot guarantee that you will be able to be placed with this service

About Yourself:

Your Availability:

Where did you hear about volunteering with us?

Tick all that apply


Criminal Offences and DBS Check:

Do you give your permission for Age UK Wandsworth to carry out this check?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, cautioned, warned or reprimanded in the UK or in any other country, including all unspent convictions? (If you answer yes to this, we may contact you to discuss before submitting your DBS application)

Your Entitlement to Work or Volunteer

Communications & Consent

Do you consent to Age UK Wandsworth contacting you regarding your volunteering post?
Preferred method of communication

Equal Opportunities [OPTIONAL]:

Do you identify as:
Are you:
Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community?
Do you have a religious affiliation?
Do you have a disability?
Ethnic Background:


I give my consent for Age UK Wandsworth to store and process my information as per the declaration above, and declare that to the best of my knowledge the information provided on this form is correct. I will inform Age UK Wandsworth as soon as possible if anything changes.