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We are so grateful for schools, clubs and social groups who choose to fundraise to support our vital work. Whether it's collecting items for our Winter appeals, running a cake sale or putting on a fundraising event, your support makes a huge difference.

Schools and universities

Whether you’re a student or a teacher, there are lots of ways you can fundraise for Age UK Wandsworth. Nominate us as your Charity of the Year, encourage students, staff and parents to get involved with fundraising activities like bake sales, sponsored walks, non-uniform days, fairs, concerts and plays, and so much more. It's a great opportunity to teach students about the issues facing older people, and we are happy to provide assembly or lesson resources.

Faith groups

Fundraising through your faith group is a great way to bring people together and make an impact on your local community. You can hold a service dedicated to the issues of older people or organise your own fundraising event at your place of worship.


Whether you belong to a sports team, Women's Institute, Rotary Club or another club or association, there are so many ways to pull together to support older people. We can also send you everything you need to make your event a success, like balloons, posters, t-shirts, collection tins and buckets.

Read our Fundraising Pack for a guide on how to get started, including instructions for setting up your own fundraising page on Enthuse. You can also download the PDF here.

Get in touch

We'd love to chat about your fundraising ideas. You can contact our Fundraising Coordinator, Ruth, by emailing or by telephoning 020 8877 8955.