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  • Tackling digital isolation in Wandsworth - 3 years of 'Digipals'

    Published on 14 October 2021 08:15 AM

    The joy of connecting with friends, family and the wider world via computers and mobiles is well known, but for many...

  • Bright future for specialist day services in Wandsworth

    Published on 19 August 2021 08:52 AM

    Age UK Wandsworth has been awarded the contract by Wandsworth Council to offer specialist day services from the...

  • Whatsapp Hack Alert

    Published on 15 June 2021 07:52 AM

    Criminals are targeting WhatsApp users, taking over accounts and trying to defraud or hack their friends too. How the...

  • EU settlement deadline reminder

    Published on 15 March 2021 08:51 PM

    Following Brexit, if you are living in the UK but you were originally from a country in the European Union (EU),...

  • Vaccination scam

    Published on 06 January 2021 10:49 AM

    Some people are receiving fraudulent calls and text messages offering the COVID-19 vaccination. In some cases, people...

  • Operation Christmas Cheer

    Published on 24 December 2020 01:53 PM

    We have made and delivered Christmas parcels to over 1800 isolated older people in Wandsworth.  You can see coverage ...