Mayoral Elections 2024: cast your vote for a new Mayor and an age-friendly London!
Published on 15 April 2024 01:29 PM
On Thursday 2nd May, Londoners will vote for their new Mayor and London Assembly Members. Make sure your voice is heard by casting your vote and calling for the new Mayor to make London age-friendly!
With over 1.5 million Londoners currently over the age of 60, and older people being the fastest-growing demographic in the capital, it’s vital that the voices of older Londoners are heard and their needs are met in the community.
In 2018, our existing Mayor, Sadiq Khan, signed London up to join the World Health Organisation’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities, and in November 2023 unveiled his plan to make London an age-friendly city. This was a great step forward, but it’s now vital that the newly-elected mayor takes action to implement the plan, and that the next mayoral term of 2024-2028 has improving the lives of older Londoners at its forefront. You can read the Mayor’s action plan to make London an age-friendly city here.
Here's what you can do to play your part in ensuring our new Mayor commits to making London an age-friendly city:
1. Cast your vote in the Mayoral election:
There are three ways you can vote in the Mayoral and London Assembly elections: in person at a polling station, by post, or by proxy. You’ll need to be registered to vote, and will need to provide photographic ID at the point of casting your vote.
Click here for more information on how to register and vote in the coming elections, including locations of polling stations and details of all Mayoral candidates.
2. Ask Mayoral candidates to commit to making London more age-friendly:
To support more older Londoners to be heard during this election, our colleagues at Age UK London have produced an action pack with four ways that people can urge Mayoral candidates to commit to an age-friendly London. One of these ways is to download and print the placard below, take a photo of yourself holding it, and share to your social media channels with the hashtag #AgeFriendlyLondon (as modelled by our CEO, Natalie, in the photo above!).
Click here to download the full pack.
Age-Friendly Conference - coming soon!
On Thursday 23rd May, Age UK Wandsworth will be holding an age-friendly conference, with expert guest speakers and opportunities for older people to have their voices heard with question and answer sessions. Click on the button to see a poster with more information.