Age Well Central Participatory Needs Analysis (PNA)

Published on 27 November 2024 03:18 PM
Wandsworth Council commissioned Age UK Wandsworth to create a service, based on the existing Age Well Roehampton/Battersea specifications, that will cover the central parts of the borough including Northcote, Shaftesbury, Balham, Nightingale and Wandsworth Common.
Age UK Wandsworth began this work in December 2023 by engaging with the community in a participatory needs assessment (PNA) during the contract mobilisation period to identify perceived problems, priorities and solutions to ensure that the new service is relevant, responsive and sustainable in central Wandsworth.
It was proposed that we seek information and advice from older people in different demographics, commissioners, representatives of the different existing resources and of the two existing services in Battersea and Roehampton to help access the community, relevant existing data and community group views. We would define the scope, aims and objectives of the PNA and how it will subsequently contribute to the design of the new service.
In collaboration with Wandsworth Council, a PNA questionnaire was created and distributed to a diverse sample to include a variety of protected characteristics, such as age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, as well as socio-economic status.
Age UK Wandsworth canvassed the opinion of older people across the borough through attending a wide variety of existing groups and seeking the assistance of partner organisations. A total of 92 questionnaires were completed and returned.
Click here to see the report detailing its findings.