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Celebrating 4 Years of Digipals

Published on 24 October 2022 12:53 PM

Age UK Wandsworth are proud to celebrate four years of our Digipals service running! The service started in July 2018 with the aim to provide friendly digital support to older people in Wandsworth. Drop-in sessions are held at libraries throughout the Borough, including Battersea Park, Southfields, Putney and Tooting. Volunteers have also been a vital part of this service, helping us to reach 265 older people last year. The service also includes a tablet loan as well as remote support. The tablet loan has allowed people to ease themselves in to using a new device, without having to commit to buying one. Often once the loan is finished people are confident enough to get their own!  

Older people all over Wandsworth have used the service, some becoming weekly regulars! Help ranges from setting up and sending an email, sharing pictures on Whatsapp, online shopping and entertainment. 

Jenny, 78, from Putney is a regular at the Digipals session at Gwynneth Morgan Day Centre. After attending the sessions Jenny now has a MacBook, iPhone, tablet, apple watch and a pet cam. When asked about her experience of the service, Jenny said that it is:

“Very, very helpful, especially because it is virtually one to one help and it is about everyday computer problems. The previous course I took was too advanced and I only learned things that could be used in an office, not everyday things like how to send an email. The volunteer tutors are very helpful, kind, patient and knowledgeable. I look forward to the classes each week. I know that I just need to wait for the next session when I have problems at home.” 

Other attendees of Digipals said: 

“I love being a student and it is exciting to be able to master everything” 

“I feel you can’t survive now, or in the future without technology. You have to keep up and it is very frustrating if you don’t know.”  

With everyday life increasingly becoming more online, it is vital we don’t let the older community get left behind. Digipals is ensuring that older people in Wandsworth are getting the help they need and are able to benefit from digital connectivity. It can help enable people to live more independently, lessen social isolation, and improve financial wellbeing. 

If you or someone you know would benefit from digital support, please click here to find out more, and see our upcoming session dates. You can also call the office on 020 8877 8940 or email

Or if you're already tech-savvy, why not volunteer at our sessions? It is hugely rewarding to help an older person send their first email, or to show them how to send a selfie to grandkids who live far away. Click here to find out more about how to apply.