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Newsletter Sponsorship

Newsletter sponsorship

Published on 24 February 2023 09:54 PM

Are you a local business or know a local business that has an interest in our charity and can benefit from publicising to local older people?

Marketing is essential to finding new clients for any business and the good news is marketing expenses that include advertising costs and sponsorship payments to charities are tax-deductible.

With this in mind, we are approaching key businesses to enable them to reach out to potential customers through being the sole advertiser in our bi-monthly newsletter.

We can provide a half page advertorial about your business. The cost will be £550 to cover our outgoing costs to design produce and mail, or hand deliver our A4 16pp newsletter to 1250 subscribers with the majority living in the local area.

Interested to promote your business?

Contact to find out about upcoming available publications dates.

We need your support

Age UK Waltham Forest is affiliated with the national Age UK but we're a self-funded charity and rely on donations, grants and sponsorship to provide over 30 regular activities and services to support over 5,500 older people, often who are vulnerable and isolated.

Contact Age UK Waltham Forest

Phone: 020 8558 5512


Office Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:00pm.