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We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.

Who we are

Age UK Waltham Forest is an independent local charity. We've been working in the local community to help older people since 1989. We have dedicated staff and volunteers helping us to deliver services and activities for older people in Waltham Forest.

Where you can find us

Our main office and day centre is based at 58 Hall Lane, Chingford E4 8EU.

Visit our contact us page

How we are funded

We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by donations from the public and some charitable grants.

Help support our work


What we do

  • We give advice

    Age UK Waltham Forest offers a general Information & Advice service for older people, from simple information, advice and signposting, and welfare benefit checking through to form-filling.

  • Drop-in sessions

    The service helps hundreds of people each year that need face-to-face advice or help with completing benefit claim forms etc at South Chingford Community Library and 58 Hall Lane.

  • Just Connect

    Just Connect offers hourly, weekly visits by volunteers for up to 6 months to housebound and isolated adults. The aim is that the older adult will gain in confidence, and re-integrate into the community where this is possible with the help of the volunteer.

  • Silver Surfers

    The aim is to teach older people the basics of using a computer. Each course covers the basics of using a computer, accessing the internet and emailing and is deliverd through group courses and home visits.

  • Balance & Exercise classes

    We are able to fund balance and gentle exercise classes such as Yoga and Tai Chi classes to increase mobility, stability and confidence outside the home, and it is a great way for isolated individuals to socialise.

  • The Knitters Network

    We coordinate 70 volunteer knitters who kindly volunteer their time and skills to make hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and squares (that are made into blankets). These items have been used as part of a variety of Warmth Packs distributed to local residents in the borough.

  • Fire Safety Visit

    We want to stop fires from happening and you are far less likely to have a fire in your home if you have received a home fire safety visit.

    Age UK Waltham Forest can make a referral for you, to minimise the risk of a fire.

  • Living Well Waltham Forest

    Living Well Waltham Forest aims to support residents of Waltham Forest to make small, positive changes to their lives and attain their goals in improving their lifestyle.

Contact Age UK Waltham Forest

Phone: 020 8558 5512


Office Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:00pm.

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