
You can help Age UK Wakefield District by holding a Fundraising Event or joining in with one of ours.
Put the FUN into FUNdraising!
After a year of staying home and restrictions, why not plan something big this year once the government guidelines allow? Ever fancied a Skydive? A Bungee jump? Or Climbing a mountain? Whatever it is that you've always wanted to do, do it for charity and support us as we've supported so many through these difficult times. For information about our Skydiving packages from £59, get in touch by emailing Fundrasing Information or calling 01977 552114
What can you do?
There are a number of things you can do to raise money for Age UK Wakefield District. Here are some ideas to get you started...
You may not know that the folks at Amazon have opened their own fundraising site, it’s the same as the normal Amazon but you type in Amazon Smile to get to the fundraising bit. Search for Age UK Wakefield District and set us as your chosen charity. Then each time you shop, we get a small donation – at no cost to you! You can also add Amazon Smile to your Amazon App for the easiest of ways to raise money.
Amazon Smile
Fundraise at no cost to you, just select Age UK Wakefield District as your chosen charity
We now have an account with JustGiving, this means you can easily set up a fundraising page so your supporters can contribute online. This can be shared on both your and our social media to raise awareness and promote the cause. If you’d like help setting up a new page, just get in touch and we can do the technical bit for you!
Asking for sponsorship or donating to our campaigns has never been easier!
Individual Sponsored Event
You could raise money for a sponsored slim, swim, walk, run, etc on behalf of Age UK Wakefield District.
Group sponsored challenge or event
You could raise money for Age UK Wakefield District by organising a group sponsored challenge or event. You could even make the event into a competition.
You could do a sponsored run, dog walk, swim, trolley push, bed race, mountain climbing, fell walking, exercise marathons (eg. rowing, bikes, treadmill), pub quizzes, car wash, fashion show... the list is endless!
'Daredevil' Sponsored Event
Have you ever fancied doing something outrageous in your life? You could do a Sky Dive, Bunjee Jump, Walk across the Himalayas, Tough Muddler Event, run the London Marathon and all to raise funds for Age UK Wakefield District. We have a small amount of funding to be able to assist with set up cost for these type of activities with a guarantee of match funding on completion. Let us know if you'd like to have a go...
One-off Events
You could hold a one-off event for family, friends or neighbours. It could be anything from a BBQ to a Sunday lunch – formal or informal. We don't need an excuse to throw a big celebration once lockdown rules allow but why not raise some much needed funds at the same time and support those in your community who've really struggled this last year.
More about Fundraising
- Can you spare extra time to help out a special event, selling raffle tickets, donating items for raffles, are you good at making things, would you like to share your ideas with the fundraising group, get involved?
- You can donate unwanted gifts, etc for tombolas and raffles
- Do you know organisations or companies within the Wakefield District that we can contact whom might like to support us in their fundraising efforts?
- Are you a member of a Social Club, Sports Club, Working Men’s club, Round Table, Lions, Rotary or a Church who might like to help and support us? Just let us know and we can help with ideas
The Big Knit
Would you like to help fundraise with the power of Knitting needles! By knitting the small bobble hats for Innocent Smoothie bottles and sending them in to us, you can help! Innocent donate 25p for each hat and our target for this year is 16000 hats!!
More information on The Big Knit
Calling all Businesses, Schools, Social Clubs, Working Men's Clubs, Public Houses...
Would you like Age UK Wakefield District to be your 'Charity of the Year'?
Working closely with our fundraising team, your organisation could raise money through raffles, sponsored events, clothing donation rally’s, the list goes on! If Age UK Wakefield District was your chosen charity, your good deeds would be promoted on our social media channels and of course the money you raised would go to help older people within the Wakefield district.
Please help support Age UK Wakefield District when shopping online. Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Age UK Wakefield District.
It's simple to use and it's free.
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S and many more.
Get Involved
There are many ways you can help Age UK Wakefield District support older people in the Wakefield District