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Train travel

Published on 30 September 2024 03:34 PM

Train Travel to Headingley Cricket Ground

We recently had the opportunity to travel by train from Castleford in to Leeds and then on to Headingly to watch cricket with thanks Northern Rail.  With changes to the rules around purchasing tickets before travel, Northern Rail are working with us to make train travel more accessible and less of a worry for older passengers. As a first event it went very well and we hope to do further trips to show people Leeds station, how to get help where needed and how to get around the station safely.

“Leeds station has changed so much and it’s big but the signs and everything are very clear. I feel better about travelling on a train”
We had a lovely day out and thank you to Julie and Alex who came along as volunteers to support on the day, Alex managed to find a local Fish and Chip shop and they were a lovely treat to enjoy whilst watching the cricket!

If you have concerns about train travel and the scary thought of getting a fine, get in touch to find out about upcoming trips