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I May Move 2024

Published on 29 May 2024 05:18 PM

Take a look at our month of movement

This year we have taken our annual fundraiser I May Move up a notch, with support from Wakefield Council Wellbeing Team we have encouraged more people to get moving in the month of May.

We have attended various exercise sessions across the district, meeting wonderful people who love to get moving and would encourage others to join them.  From the Aspire facilities to local groups, there's lots of opportunities to get moving, with little or no cost.

To develop I May Move further, we wanted to to look at new ways to encourage people to get moving and with the help of a local infant & junior school, we developed the intergenerational I May Move fitness afternoon.

The year 6 students at Larks Hill I&J school created a range of exercises suitable for over 50's, they developed a scoring system and circuit then invited grandparents and older friends to come along and join the fun.

Despite the rain, we had a good attendance, and everyone involved had a great time. People were able to try out table tennis, netball, mini golf and lots of creative games the children had put together.  There was lots of chatter, smiles, laughs and of course movement!

You can help us make a difference

and get more people moving