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Home Support Service of the month

Published on 09 July 2024 08:43 AM

Professional, reliable support around the house

Hello my name is Becky Cutts,

I'm the CQC Registered Manager here at Age UK Wakefield District. I've worked here for 6 years now, I took over as the registered manager just as we started dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic so to say the first 2 years were challenging would be an understatement, especially with the constant changing legislation and government guidance.

I studied for an undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Hull, then achieved a masters degree at Leeds University in Psychological Approaches to Health.

I began working in social care while I was still at university and fell in love with the sector, my original plan had to be to work in healthcare but I loved the difference I could make in social care and I have remained in the sector now for 19 years.

Here's some facts about the Home Support Service:

  • We have 276 service users

  • We have 44 members of staff

  • Domestic Support includes cleaning, shopping, meal preparation, social support, accompanied outings, sitting services, appointments, pet care, laundry, making & changing bedding. We have even supported service users to go swimming and to play squash.
  • Personal Care support includes support with washing, bathing, dressing & undressing, medication support, support to clean teeth, shave, support with toileting or continence, hair washing and hair care. Personal care support is charged at a higher rate than domestic support as we have to adhere to CQC legislation, which means additional responsibilities and training for our staff team.



Home Support Service Info

For more information about this service, how we can help or about our job vacancies