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Peter Box Chair of Trustees

Published on 06 April 2022 10:35 AM

We welcome Peter Box as he steps forward to become our Chair of Trustees.


I became involved in Age UK because of my keen interest in the role of older people in society and of trying to help find solutions to some of the particular problems they face particularly post Covid.  Being born and still living in Castleford, meant I had a particular interest in supporting Age UK Wakefield District and the work they do for local, older people.

I’ve had many roles over the years, most notably, I became Leader of Wakefield Council in 1998 until standing down in 2019 to explore my passion for work in the voluntary sector.

I also sit as a trustee of Spectrum People and Wakefield Theatre Royal and am an honorary patron of The Hepworth Gallery.

Despite keeping incredibly busy, I follow Castleford Tigers and am a lifelong supporter, I’m a keen gardener and I love watching live music and attend events on a regular basis.  I walk almost every day and love to travel.  Finally, when I have any spare time I’m an avid reader mainly on history

I look forward to a long relationship with Age UK Wakefield District and working to improve the quality of later life for Wakefield residents.


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