December Service of the Month MCST
Published on 05 December 2022 11:45 AM

Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation (MCST) Sessions
Dementia Activity Sessions
MCST (Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy) is a fun and friendly activity-based session for people with mild to moderate dementia.
Over 24 themed weeks we inspire a variety of activities including singing, quizzes,
artwork, puzzles, games and physical activities. The sessions are fun and engaging,
encouraging group discussions to share thoughts, opinions and concerns.
This approach provides a recognised, therapeutic benefit by stimulating fresh thought
process and using the brain creatively.
“It’s different, I’ve never been a group person. I came and I was happy here, having a chat and a laugh – a good group.”
“Areas where my brain hasn’t been used – you’re making me use it! …. I’ve enjoyed it all – I can’t find any faults. You’ve not gone over the top – I can keep up with the pace.”
“I feel like I have something to look forward to on Tuesday mornings.”
Whilst loved ones are engaged in meaningful activity, Carers are invited to relax and chat with other Carers, the team from Carers Wakefield and guest speakers in another room. This group allows Carers to have time together to talk, learn and share.
“The moment you walk in you’re welcomed and feel wanted – little things like cakes on the table. You feel part of something. The fact that it’s given time to ourselves as a carers group is valuable.” – Carer
“When they come out they’ve had a laugh and a giggle – they’ve had social interaction and mental stimulation.” - Carer
The sessions are run by the MCST team, Rachel Watson, Tracey Lee, our fantastic volunteers and take place in Ossett and Castleford. Tracey and Rachel really enjoy putting things together, bringing the benefits of the themed approach to the groups every week, and the feedback has been very positive.
We are supported by a wonderful team of volunteers, and the group really value them being there – from welcoming them and offering a cup of tea or coffee as they arrive, to having discussions about topics in the sessions and sharing laughter.
“Supporting the group members and their carers is a privilege. The activities generate memories, some insightful conversations and very often, laughter. It’s very satisfying to offer a few hours of respite from a situation that can be isolating and frustrating for those living with dementia. I get a lot out of volunteering at MCST and would recommend it to anyone.” – Volunteer
“I love the moments when people, prompted by the activities, share their stories from National Service and of music and dancing.” - Volunteer
If you’re interested in joining the next round of activity sessions in January then please do get in touch for a friendly chat to assess needs. Groups are kept small, with 8 to 10 people in a session, so booking is essential.
If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about the MCST sessions we provide, then please do get in contact via: or call Age UK Wakefield on calling 01977 552114.
If you would like to see what happens in an MCST session, then Age UK have put together a video of an MCST session at Age UK Berkshire, sharing the thoughts of participants and their carers. Click Here
If anyone is interested in a rewarding volunteering role in the MCST sessions then get in touch with our Volunteering Co-ordinator: or by calling 01977 552114, or visiting the Volunteering page:
“I really enjoy it. It has made a difference to my life. I look forward to coming to the sessions.”
“I like to be here. I feel like I’m not on my own.”
“I love that we are really listened to.”
“It’s very clever how it makes you think”
“They get their folder out on a Monday night – they tell me they enjoy it.”
“They seem more alert and they love coming to the group”