
- Location: Age UK Tunbridge Wells
- Price: Free
There is no fee for this service.
Age UK Tunbridge Wells
Wood Street
Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01892522591
Our advocacy service is designed to support you to express your wishes. This might be a simple situation, perhaps to challenge a utility bill, or may be far more complex; perhaps you are being made unhappy by those around you.
More information
Sometimes in life we need support to do things we want to do. It can be difficult to stand alone, especially in situations where you need to challenge others.
Sadly, older people are sometimes written off as being too old or a bit confused and are stopped from making their own decisions. Others around them start deciding what should happen in the older person's 'best interests'.
On occasions this can even be family members, doctors and nurses, solicitors and social workers; it' s very hard to make a stand or to disagree, especially when those around are only trying to help.
However, we all have the right to make choices in life, no matter who we are and sometimes those choices may be unconventional or seem irrational to others. Equally it is not always possible to do everything we want or have everything our own way, but if we have expressed how we feel and we have sufficient understanding of a situation it is often then far easier to compromise or accept limitations.
Please get in touch if you or someone you know needs an advocate. The support of someone on your side can make all the difference.
Our advocates are not here to judge you or tell you what you should do, they are here to listen to your wishes and ensure others do too.
How do I access this service?
Whether you are calling for yourself or on behalf of someone you know, you will need to complete a referral form and register with the service. Please ensure you have the persons permission before making a referral for somebody else.
Our Advocate is available Wednesday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.
Call us on 01892 522591 to register over the phone, email or visit us at Wood Street, Tunbridge Wells for a face to face chat.
To download a brochure on this service, please visit: