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What is a PDF?

PDF stands for 'portable document format'.

Most downloads on this website are PDFs. We use this format to ensure that the document looks the same on everyone's computer (website pages, by contrast, appear differently depending on how people have got their computer set up).

How do I download a PDF?

Computers use a program called Adobe Acrobat Reader to download PDFs. If you try clicking on a link to download a PDF and it doesn't work, you will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader onto your computer.

How do I install Adobe Acrobat Reader?

The process is quite straightforward and is free.

1. Go to
2. Click 'Download'.
3. Wait for the window to offer you the option to 'Run', then choose this option.
4. Click 'Next'.
5. Click 'Install'
6. Wait for the window to offer you the option to 'Finish', then choose this option.

How do I change a download?

PDFs cannot be changed. If you need to be able to type into a downloaded document (for example, if we are offering a letter template that you need to put your name on) we will provide it as a Microsoft Word document rather than a PDF. You can then download it, type into it and save it to your computer.

How do I print or save a download?

Downloads will open on your computer in a new browser window.

Inside this window (below all your web browser menus), there will be a toolbar with options for you to print or save the document.

Close the browser window to return to the Age UK website.

Can my screen reader read PDF downloads?

We have made every effort to make our PDFs accessible to screen readers. Here is an overview of your accessibility options available in Acrobat Reader. Please ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Reader website to ensure that they are included in your version of the programme.

You can use Adobe Reader to read a PDF out loud with the following shortcut keys:

Read the document: Shift +Ctrl+Y
Read the open page only: Shift +Ctrl+V
Read to the end of the document: Shift+Ctrl+B
Pause: Shift+Ctrl+C
Stop Shift+Ctrl+E
You can also convert a PDF into a web page by following these steps:

Copy the URL (web address) of the document (right-click on the link and select 'Save target as' or 'Copy link').
Open the Adobe online conversion tool in your browser and paste the URL into the URL box.
Tick the HTML box on the Format option and click 'Convert'.
You can convert a PDF document into a text file for use with other software and hardware such as Braille printers by opening the PDF and choosing 'Save as text' from the File menu.