Domestic Abuse
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Home is not where the hurt is.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, being older doesn't protect people from abuse and some older people have been subjected to abuse for decades.

What is domestic abuse?
The term 'domestic abuse' covers a lot of things. It's often referred to as 'domestic violence' and while it can include violence, it doesn't have to. Domestic abuse is abuse that's perpetrated by someone you're connected to, such as a current or former partner or family member. While it's often assumed that domestic abuse only occurs between people in an intimate relationship, it can happen in different relationships, for example between an adult child and a parent.
The cross-government definition of domestic violence and abuse is:
Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and is rarely an isolated, one-off incident. Usually, it is part of a pattern of controlling behaviour that becomes worse with time.
How it might affect you
Everyone's experience of domestic abuse is different and individual to them. It can sometimes be difficult to spot and come to terms with domestic abuse – both for yourself in your own life as well as for someone you care about. The following things may be happening to you:
- being physically or sexually abused.
- being afraid of a current or former partner or family member, or to express your true opinions in front of them.
- having belongings destroyed.
- being prevented from seeing family or friends.
- being threatened that your pets will be harmed or killed.
- living with jealous and possessive behaviour and feeling isolated.
- being humiliated or verbally abused.
- being financially abused; having money taken from you or not given enough to live on.
If any of it sounds familiar to you or someone you care about, you can seek support. We've added some useful organisations below.
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Who can I reach out to?
Whether you're looking for more support for yourself or someone you care about, there's help out there.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call the police on 999. If it's not an emergency, you can call the police on 101.
The services below are experts in domestic abuse. They understand it may be unsafe for you to speak on the telephone or you may need time to consider your options.
Trafford Domestic Abuse Service - support to individuals and families living or working in the Trafford area who are suffering or who have suffered domestic abuse. To speak to a dedicated Domestic Abuse Advisor, call 0161 872 7368 or visit the website
Trafford Rape Crisis - free, confidential helpline service, offering non-judgemental specialist support for women and girls who have suffered, or been impacted by, any form of rape, sexual violence or sexual abuse. General Helpline: 0800 783 4608 or visit their website
Greater Manchester Police - Public Protection Investigation Unit 0161 856 7574
Hourglass - supports specifically older people experiencing any form of abuse. Visit their website or call 0808 808 8141. The Hourglass helpline and online chatbot are available 24/7.
Refuge - supports women and children who are experiencing domestic abuse. Visit their website or call 0808 2000 247.
ManKind - information and support specifically for men experiencing domestic abuse. Visit their website or call 01823 334 244.
Galop - helpline specifically for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse. Visit their website or call 0800 999 5428
PEGS - support for parents, guardians or carers experiencing adult-child parental abuse. For more information about the kind of support they offer, visit their website
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