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Age UK Trafford offers lots of services for older people and their carers.

Our services

  • Staying Well During the Pandemic

    Some tips and advice to help individuals, families and friends to stay well, to keep well-nourished and well-hydrated at a time if you or a family member is self-isolating. It is more important than ever that we stay healthy and avoid hospital where possible, this means looking after our body and mind. 

  • GM Care Partnership

    Trafford, Salford, Bolton, Manchester and Tameside Care Consortium is a partnership of over 90 providers of care, both voluntary and private sector.  We support the provision of workforce development funding to assist with the costs of training.

  • Home Library Service

    Age UK Trafford provides the Home Library Service on behalf of Trafford Council.
    The service delivers books directly to the homes of those who cannot get out to a library