Wellbeing services in Torbay
Ageing Well
Ageing Well Torbay is a six year programme to tackle isolation and loneliness amongst people over 50 living in Brixham, Paigton and Torquay.
The Lunch Bunch
Our Wellbeing coordinators arrange for people to meet for lunch once a month at a local venue.
FREE Wellbeing Courses
‘Similar People’
Peer Support
FREE Courses
For people over the age of 50
February 2020 - July 2020
A range of free courses for people who are looking to meet others with shared or similar experiences. People wishing to find ways to manage their own health and wellbeing more effectively.
Staying Put
Staying Put aims to acknowledge and appreciate one of Torbay’s biggest unrecognised resources by enabling over 50-year-olds to retain their independence by assisting one another with tasks many take for granted.
As part of Staying Put Age UK Torbay will be working alongside a group of organisations, each working to deliver particular assistance and volunteering opportunities
For full details please visit the Ageing Well website.
Tech Inclusion Group
An opportunity to learn:
- Online safety / Cyber security
- Social media
- Basic computer skills / support
- Online shopping
- Mobile and tablet support
- Online patient access
Tuesdays 2pm - 4pm The Windmill Centre, Pendennis Road, Torquay TQ2 7QR
For more information or to book a Home Visit please phone: 07715 667809 or Email: amanda@ageuktorbay.org.uk