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Information & Advice case study
Outcome: Back dated lump sum awarded

The client contacted our Information and Advice team at our Dendy Road office after she was widowed at the age 67.

As she had poor health and mobility, our advisor suggested that she claim Attendance Allowance. The advisor made an appointment to visit the client in her own home, to fill out the application forms required to to claim the allowance.

After submitting the forms on the client’s behalf, we were delighted to learn that she had been awarded a lump sum, which had been back dated. The client contacted us by phone and said:

"I must tell you I am so grateful. I have managed to save up and buy myself a mobility scooter, which is being delivered today.

I am so excited, as it means I have freedom. Thank you for all you have done for me and all the advice given’’

Contact us for advice

Call 01803 841832 for further information.