Hats off to Torbay Knitters

Published on 07 August 2017 02:05 PM
Age UK Torbay is delighted to announce that thanks to the fantastic efforts of their supporters, they have reached their total of 6,000 knitted hats for the second stage of the 2016-17 innocent drinks Big Knit campaign. This brings their total for the year to 12,000 hats, knitted since last September.
Knitters throughout Torbay rose to the challenge, sending in hats of all shapes and designs. The hats will be placed on innocent smoothie bottles, which go on sale in shops from October. For every behatted smoothie sold, Age UK will receive 25p to help keep older people warm and well.
The Big Knit is a joint campaign between Age UK nationally and innocent drinks to help vulnerable older people. Helen Harman, CO of Age UK Torbay said: “The campaign has a national target of 2 million hats, so we are absolutely delighted to have contributed our target allocation of 12,000, which we couldn’t have done without the amazing support of our loyal knitters. As well as local groups such as The Cabbage Patch Crafters, U3A Knit and Natter and our regular knitters knitting for us, we’ve even had hats sent in from people’s friends and relatives from as far afield as Australia and France. This means Age UK Torbay will receive a total of £3000 in 2016-17 from sales of the smoothies which will directly benefit vulnerable older people in Torbay.
With over a decade of support from knitters up and down the country, the campaign has raised vital funds to support local and national winter projects to help older people keep warm and well in winter through befriending visits, emergency cold weather support, warm meals and other vital services.
Carol Lemming, who co-ordinates the Big Knit at Age UK Torbay said: “We are fortunate to have a very loyal and committed group of knitters who have supported us during the Big Knit and we would like to thank all of them for their fantastic support.
Age UK Torbay provides Home Support, Days Out, Befriending, Information, Advice, Advocay and support for all over 50s living in Torbay. For more information contact 01803 555 181 or pop into their office at 12 Dendy Road, Paignton.