Elf in the Window

Published on 07 November 2017 11:46 AM
Age UK Torbay are delighted to announce the launch of their fun new Christmas competition, Elf in the Window. Cheeky knitted elves will be hidden in selected shop windows around Preston, Paignton, from November 20th until December 17th.
There are 20 elves, which have been knitted by Age UK staff and volunteers, to be spotted on the fun trail and the winners will receive the following prizes. 1st prize is two tickets to Woodlands Leisure Park, a Bernard Elf and a selection box. 2nd and 3rd prizes are a Bernard Elf and a selection box.
Helen Harman, the Age UK Torbay CO said: "This is a fun competition for ‘children of all ages!’ For just £2 per entry, families can go Elf spotting around Preston and try to find as many of the 20 hidden elves in the shop windows as they can. We are delighted that so many shops are taking part, and all the funds raised from the competition will go towards our vital work in helping to tackle loneliness and isolation amongst older people in our community, via our befriending and careline services.”
Entry forms are available from the Age UK Torbay offices at 12 Dendy Road, Paignton and 216 Torquay Road, Manor Corner, Preston, between the hours of 9-4pm.
Bernard the Elf helps Age UK Torbay to support older people to enjoy later life in Torbay. Bernard says: “No one should have no one at Christmas.” Follow and Like Bernard on his Facebook page, BernardElf_ageuktorbay or follow Bernard on Twitter @BernardElf_AUKT