COVID19 Announcement
Published on 17 March 2020 10:09 AM
Age UK Thanet wishes to thank every person for ringing or emailing us to offer their support whilst we are all in a time of uncertainty with Covid -19.
People’s Details are being taken and we will respond when and if the time comes that we need to take the next measures to ensure our vulnerable, frail and elderly population in Thanet are supported with shopping and a hot meal delivery.
Our Community Hub, Dementia Service, shop and foot clinic is still open at this current time for our regular clients. Please do let us know if you are unable to attend appointments or are feeling unwell.
We are awaiting regular updates from the Government to how we support our community so please do see the attached form which is the main services that Age UK Thanet are concentrating on at this current time for anyone else requiring support. Please feel free to print and distribute this to anyone who may be self-isolating and needing help.
1. Hot Meal Delivery Buddy Box
2. Shopping calls
3. Telephone Befriending Service
4. Information and Advice over the phone.
I will continue to give updates and ask members of the public not to come into our Community Hub unless necessary but please do ring us on 01843 223881 to ensure we support you or sign post you to the right organisation. We are taking all the necessary requirements to be safe.
Our amazing elderly clients are staying resilient and cheerful but understandably have high concerns about their future and it is important we remain able to support each individual for their Health and Well Being .
I personally want to thank all our staff, volunteers and other stakeholders and the NHS staff who are working tirelessly in these very difficult times.
Many Thanks
Vanessa Wood, Chief Officer, Age UK Thanet