Age UK Thanet wins Thanet Community Award!
Published on 04 February 2019 01:49 PM
This lovely picture is of Louise Collins, our Volunteer Coordinator and fellow Age UK Thanet Volunteers receiving their award at the Thanet Community Awards last week. Twenty good causes including Age UK Thanet's 'Social Buddy' Scheme received Winners’ awards in recognition of their dedication to making Thanet an even better place in which to live and work.
Age UK Thanet were one of 20 winners (from 130 nominees) to win the above named award for our social buddy scheme.
Three of our representatives were invited to a sit down meal and entertainment at the Yarrow. Lou Collins (social buddy coordinator) Steve Taylor & Lynda Town (two of our volunteers who have really gone over and above to support us in numerous ways) all went along and had a good time. We networked with lots of other local good causes and it was a great atmosphere.
We were presented with a certificate in recognition of the outstanding contribution that Age UK Social Buddy scheme has made to the Community of Thanet through charitable and community activity
Well done to Louise and our Volunteer Social Buddies! If you would like to Volunteer to be a 'Social Buddy' and would like to offer company and friendship to lonely and isolated people in our local community, please give Louise a call on 01843 223881 or email