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Spring Ball 2017

Published on 13 April 2017 06:26 PM

On Saturday 8th April 2017 Age UK Thanet held our Annual Spring Ball. This year's ball had a 1950's Rock & Roll theme.  49 clients attended and the room was beautifully decorated with red and white gingham tablecloths and 'Rock & Roll' themed decorations.  Each table was adorned with a real record made into a bowl filled with sweets.  We even had a real juke box expecially for the event!

In the morning, clients enjoyed listening and dancing to our staff DJ Kay Byatt playing a selection of Rock & Roll numbers to get the party started!

Two of our guests were celebrating Birthdays on the day, and everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to Peggy Stroud and Karen Bourne to mark the occasion.

This year's raffle was drawn mid-morning, and we had 15 wonderful prizes to be won, including wine, a make-up set and boxes of chocolate.

Following the raffle, our guests sat down to enjoy a lovely lunch with pea & mint soup to start, roast lamb and seasoned vegetables or stuffed pepper risotto for main course, followed by a dessert choice of apple pie, Knickerbocker Glory or Baked Alaska to finish.  This sumptuous meal was washed down with a choice of wine or flavoured water.

After lunch, the clients enjoyed a 1950's themed sing-song with entertainer Geoff Dean, and all clients had their photo taken on a hilarious 1950s themed peep board.

To finish off a wonderful day, all ladies present received a bunch of daffodils to take home with them and to remember the day by.

By all accounts this was one of the best events held by Age UK Thanet to date.  There was dancing and laughter throughout the day, and everyone in attendance - clients, volunteers and staff had a great time.

Age UK Thanet would like to extend thanks to all the staff and fantastic volunteers that helped out on the day. Without their hard work and dedication events such as this would not be possible.

Clients enjoying our Spring Ball