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Happy 100th birthday Arthur ‘Archie’ Sugden!

Published on 18 January 2017 07:41 PM

On 29th December 2016 ‘Archie’ Arthur Sugden celebrated his 100th Birthday at Age UK Thanet with friends and staff.

To mark the occasion Archie had a lunch of his choice of Lincolnshire sausages, bubble & squeak and tinned tomatoes, followed by rice pudding and jam.

Everyone was treated to a fabulous afternoon of music and dancing with Fred & Daphne singing some party classics, and the afternoon was rounded off nicely with a Birthday Cake and a bottle of Champagne. 

Archie has been coming to Age UK Thanet for a few months now and is a real character. He has made many friends and has a special close friend called ‘Charles’.

Archie lives at home with his Son and Daughter-in-Law who take good care of him. Archie says he is very lucky to have them.

Everybody at the centre has become very fond of Archie and love listening to his tales of when he was young, and from the sounds of it, he was a bit of a Casanova!

The staff at Age UK Thanet are privileged to have the pleasure of having Archie at the centre, and we would like to wish him a very ‘Happy 100th Birthday!’

‘Archie’ Arthur Sugden celebrated his 100th Birthday at Age UK Thanet with friends and staff