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Chair's Annual Report

Published on 23 October 2017 10:35 AM

The Trustees present their report and examined financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31st March 2017. The Trustees have adopted the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) "Accounting and Reporting by Charities" (FRS 102) in preparing the annual report and financial statements of the charity. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in notes to the accounts and comply with the charity's governing document, the Charities Act 2011 and Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland published on 16th July 2014.

Aims and objectives

The mission and vision of the charitable company is to improve later life for everyone in the Thanet area by working in partnership with the National Organisation and by providing information and support to help people cope and adjust to trends and changes in their current environment.

Our purpose is to help maintain and promote independence through the provision of various services, community support and development to enable and enhance later life.

We ensure that through the ever-changing environment we are fluid and able to diversify to the needs of the people in the Thanet area.  Working in partnership both with organisations in the voluntary, public and private sector and continuing to build relationships with Kent County Council, Social Services, Thanet Clinical Commissioning Group and other key partners with Adult Social Care.

Public Benefit statement 

 The trustees confirm that they have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission's general guidance on public benefit when reviewing the organisation's aims and objectives and in planning future activities.

Achievements and performance

 We have had another successful year enhancing our Community Services and Community development.  To meet the needs of the older population in the Thanet area provision of much needed support has been developed.

  • Volunteering - Investment in this area has provided a part-time Volunteer Co-ordinator which has resulted in a new area of volunteering.  The 'Social Buddy Scheme' matches up volunteers to client's with similar interests, hobbies etc.  The scheme provides much needed social support for those living in the community.  Volunteers can help with trips to the theatre, local clubs, social interaction and any other social activity that the client needs to aid in promoting their independence and overall wellbeing.  There are also weekly coffee mornings where volunteers can get together and share their experiences.  This offers support and builds a strong supportive network.

The Trustees value the support of volunteers, their effeciveness in underpinning the success of the services that we provide to aid a large number of older people can only be attained with their help.

  • Our community venues for Day Opportunities continue to grow from strength to strength providing much needed social interaction, accessing of services and aiding in reducing loneliness and isolation.
  • The Bloomers Buddy Box Meal Delivery Service has acquired a bespoke van to deliver the meals.  This has aided in our new venture for providing catering services such as sandwich deliveries and catering for buffets.  It has also enabled the service to now run 7 days a week, providing a Sunday Roast dinner.  This service also provides a daily welfare check and many families of clients rely heavily on the support this service provides.
  • The Independent Living Service provides practical support to enable and maintain independence, building much needed confidence and empowerment to people living in their own homes.  This service has over time diversified and is now providing management of people with more complex needs, supporting them and other partners within Adult Social Care to ensure a joined-up approach for the overall wellbeing of the people.
  • Our free Information and Advice Service has an ever-increasing demand, and due to the high level of need it has been evident that more resources are required to maintain the levels of service.  From filling out disabled badge forms, attendance allowance, housing issues, maximising income, power of attorney or general information, this service provides maximum help and independent informed choice.
  • Footcare in the Community - we now have a self-employed Community Practitioner and an employed Footcare Practitioner due to the growing need within Thanet.  This has ensured that the service provided extends to all areas of Thanet.
  • The Intergenerational Project has been supported this year from designated funds.  With 'Chat & Chew' Wednesdays and 'Sunshine Saturdays' for those living with Dementia, their peers and younger people, this service is oversubscribed.  Providing much needed support for care givers, social interaction, stimulation, confidence and friendships for those that attend.  2016 was a great year for the Intergenerational Project and they won 'Best Intergenational Activity' for 'Sunshine Saturdays' at the Dementia Friendly Kent Awards and the project was also voted and became second in the 'Heart of the Community Awards'  This very successful community activity has found it difficult to obtain funding streams and with the changing climate of grant funding evolving into contracts the future of this vital community which offers support to so many, may sadly be in jeopardy.
  • Monthly Dementia 'Drop in' Cafe's working in partnership with Kent & Medway NHS Trust, Age UK Herne Bay, Crossroads Care, Kent County Council, Alzheimer's Society, Carers Support plus many other partners involved in Adult Social Care.  The 'drop in' provides much needed professional support and information for those living with dementia, their care-givers and Consultant Psychiatrists, community mental health nurses, an Admiral nurse and an occupational therapist are all on hand.
  • Bethesda GP Surgery 'Frailty Pilot' was introduced as the surgery identified 339 patients who are severely frail.  The patients that were most at risk would receive telephone calls and after an assessment call, it would be identified if a visit would be required.  One of the primary aims of the Pilot was to reduce GP visits and provide much needed holistic support using community/voluntary resources.
The six-month pilot was so successful that a further 6 months have been commissioned.
  • ART project (Acute Rapid Response Team) - an integrated team which provides a range of clinical and personal care support for patients who have healthcare needs which would have previously been met by admisison to hospital.  We are commissioned for 12 hours a week to provide support information and aid general wellbeing.  The primary aim of ART is to reduce hospital admissions.
  • We had a successful year working with the Ageless Thanet Big Lottery funded project on the 'Active Citizenship Stream'.  The work stream was focusing on developing 46 'Ageing Better Champions', 2 in each ward of Thanet.  The Champions were older people and they identified areas within communities where there were gaps in provision.  They shared information networks, they helped to empower older people, and the volunteering opportunity provided new skills and training as well as encouraging social interaction and promoting self-worth.
  • We have continued to work collaboratively with Age UK's/Age Concern's Consortium and other partners within the voluntary sector.
  • Continuous fund-raising to raise much needed unrestricted income is undertaken by both staff and volunteers who give up their own time and their contribution is highly valued.
  • In October 2016, our old shop moved into larger premises, which is proving to be a great success and as a Chairperson and Trustee I will continue to manage this voluntarily.  The shop has become a regular stop for many lonely vulnerable people.  We have managed to provide footcare clinics and the extra room has provided a shared community space with provision for older people to access information.

Plans for the Future

In the coming year with the ever changing needs of the ageing population we are looking to create more community based services to enhance, enable and facilitate  older people to live independently with their own homes, reducing the statutory sector.

  • Ensuring informed choice and health & wellbeing is at the forefront of our objectives.
  • The board of Trustees are exploring the possibility of converting the Day Centre into a secure Dementia Unit to meet the needs of the current climate.
  • Continuation of our Governance and Administration to show excellence in our field by continuing to develop ISO9001/2015 accreditation and Age UK QMS certification.
  • Develop our community capacity and play a stronger role in the wider community.
  • Further development of community engatement representing and supporting a whole range of groups, forums, voluntary sector organisations and statutory authorities that directly and indirectly help to support people in the Thanet area.
  • Still maintaining the emphasis on generating more unrestricted revenue in line with the changing financial climate that all of the voluntary sector is currently facing.
  • Continue our added social value by enabling younger people to access work experience, apprenticeships, volunteering opportunities, enhancing their confidence and creating prospects within Health & Social Care.
  • Ensuring informed choice and health and wellbing is at the forefront of our objectives.
Our board of Trustees have changed during the year with the resignations of Roger Howes, Treasurer and Trustees Peter Fuller, Laura Marks and Lynn Pullen, Vice Chair either due to work commitments or for personal reasons.  We are grateful for their contribution to Age UK Thanet during their time on the Board and we wish them all every success in their future endeavours.  We have since welcomed 3 new Trustees; Esther Nevill-Jones, David Kelly and Lucy Edematie, whose knowledge, skills and expertise will ensure that our governance and leadership will continue to provide a professional and multi-skilled Trustee Board.
We will also shortly be recruiting a new General Manager for Age UK Thanet to replace our Chief Officer who moved to pastures new in August 2017.  I would like to thank the staff and volunteers for their patience during this time.
I would also like to extend my personal thanks to all the staff and volunteers at Age UK Thanet, for what has been an uncertain and challenging year due to the continuing processes of funding our most vulnerable residents of Thanet. 
Shirley Tomlinson
Chair - Board of Trustees