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In Memory and Funeral Collections

Donations we receive in memory of loved ones are very special to us. They remind us of the amazing peple we have lost and help us enable older people to improve their lifestyles.

Funeral Collections

Hearts making heart shape against a sunsetWe offer collection envelopes and donation boxes which are personalised with your loved ones photo, quotes and messages. These can be used at funeral services.

Order collection envelopes and donation boxes below.

Please make any cheques payable to Age UK Teesside and send to our address:

The Dorothy Rose Suites (29-32)
The TAD Centre
Ormesby Road

Or contact our team:


telephone: 01642 805500

Order Form

Would you like a donation box?

Your contact information will be held securely on our internal database. It is never shared with other parties and is used to thank and communicate with you. If you would prefer to only receive specific information, such as our newsletters, or if you would like to be removed entirely from our mailing list, please let us know. Full details on our website