Age Ambassadors

Last year, Age UK Teesside supported 10,576, vulnerable older people across Teesside, offering 17,792 episodes of support.
It cost £631,105 to run the charity last year, thats £35.47 for every call, visit and contact with a client, many of whom came to us at the point of crisis, with nowhere to turn.
By becoming an Age Ambassador, and pledging £35.47 a month, you are pledging to support older people in your community, many of whom are living alone and in poverty.
Our Age Ambassadors will receive recognition:
- On Age UK Teesside's website
- In our Annual Report
- On our Social Media
In addition to authorised use of our 'Age Ambassadors' logo.
Signing up couldn't be easier, simply click the link below to subscribe and join the Age Ambassadors Team.
Tackling Loneliness in Teesside.
For more information contact Rebecca Metcalfe, Corporate Partnerships Manager on 01642 805500 or email