Put Your Old Money to Good Use

Published on 15 February 2019 10:12 AM
Can We Make Use of Your Old Money?
Shops stopped accepting the round £1 coins on 15 October 2017 and can no longer given them out as change.
But, 169 million old £1 coins have yet to be returned to the Royal Mint.
Are there any hiding down the back of your sofa?
If you have any old £1 coins that you'd consider donating to Age UK Teesside, we'd be very grateful to receive them and we'd put them to really good use in our work supporting older people.
You can drop them into our office at the TAD Centre.
Contact Us today if you would like to donate your old coins:
Call: 01642 80 55 00
Email: Enquiries@ageukteesside.org.uk