Carer's Rights Day 2020

Published on 23 November 2020 03:45 PM
Thursday 26th November 2020
Do you look after someone who couldn't manage without you?
Do you look after someone? It could be a friend, family member or neighbour who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction could not cope without your support.
Anyone can be an unpaid carer and caring takes many different forms. Caring is undertaken by individuals from all walks of life, for example, a carer could be an 80-year-old man caring for his wife who has Alzheimer’s, or a 40 year-old woman in full-time employment who provides regular support to an elderly relative as well as looking after her family.
You could be helping with household tasks such as cleaning or cooking, administering medication, organising and transporting someone to medical appointments, providing personal care or providing emotional support.
You could be caring once a day, a couple of times a week or all the time. You could be caring for somebody who lives with you, or for someone who lives some distance away. There are no time limits to being a carer.
Caring takes many forms, and many carers do not see themselves as carers. Carers can remain hidden for a variety of reasons, such as not wanting to be labelled a carer, not recognising themselves as a carer, and not knowing there is support available to them.
As a community it is vital that we help identify carers so that they can access the information and support available to them.
The theme for this year’s Carers Rights Day is “Know Your Rights”
If you, or some you know, cares for someone else there may come a point when you need a little more help.
Here are some useful contacts which may help