Happy Feet Footcare Service

- Location: Age UK Tameside
- Price: Costs may vary
Simple foot care at an affordable price: £15 = Standard trim and tidy £20 = Deluxe treatment £25 = a special treatment for corns, calluses, ingrown toenails and advisory support, which includes a trim and tidy. By Appointment Only.
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Tameside - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Tameside
131 Katherine Street
Greater Manchester
United Kingdom
The Age UK Tameside Happy Feet Service is an affordable footcare clinic for the over 50's living in Tameside.
What do we offer?
The Standard Treatment includes: a cleanse, tidy, and trim.
The Deluxe Treatment includes: a cleanse, tidy, trim, foot file, massage and nail nourishment.
A Special Treatment for corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, and advisory support which includes a trim and tidy £25
Appointments last approximately 20-30 minutes, however the first appointment will be slightly longer.
We offer follow-up appointments at regular intervals, footcare information and advice.
How To Book
For more information or to access this service, please contact us on: 0161 308 5000 and speak to one of our Customer Service Team.
You can also email: happyfeet@ageuktameside.com