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Introducing the Age UK Tameside Strategy Report 2024-2029

Published on 12 April 2024 10:03 AM

Age UK Tameside is pleased to share our recently published Strategy Report 2024-2029 (click here to download).



Members of The Board and Leadership Team, lead by CEO Marcia Thorpe, attended a Strategy Workshop in February, to look at the previous report and develop the new action plan.

The successes of the previous five years were celebrated, and it was noted how well the Charity had evolved and reacted to the changing needs of the community, especially during the unexpected arrival of the pandemic in 2020. Despite the many obstacles and challenges during that time, the Charity continued to support older adults across Tameside, and like many other organisations it has taken time to rebuild to pre-lockdown status, especially considering the specific demographic of our clients.

The new Strategy Report showcases highlights from the past five years, as well as detailing the many new services that Age UK Tameside deliver. Marcia Thorpe, CEO, talks of the importance of this vital support, saying “We now deliver even more services to more older people, which is the ultimate reward for everyone involved in the work of the Charity. The feedback our customers and clients share demonstrates how much the Charity is valued as a community asset.”

Now, our focus is on growth once more, with exciting plans ahead. Participants of the workshop were encouraged to brainstorm ‘Blue Sky Thinking’, with excellent ideas then being discussed practically in order to shape the agreed strategy.

Robert Needham, Chair of The Board, said “There is flexibility within our strategy to enable us to accommodate environmental changes and keep our vision moving in the right direction. We will work and collaborate with other local and national organisations to ensure we maximise the potential of new and changing service offers. We aim to reach out to more of our local communities by offering services throughout more of the Tameside area.”

This first year of the new strategy, 2024, is an incredibly important one for the Charity, as it marks the 50th anniversary of our service in Tameside. Founded in 1974, Age UK Tameside has been a strong presence operating from our Centre in Ashton-under-Lyne and growing from strength to strength. We look forward to celebrating this occasion in June, with a party attended by the CEO of the National Age UK organisation and other special guests, with opportunities for the wider community to celebrate alongside us throughout the rest of the year.


Strategic Workshop, February 2024