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Community Support

  • Location: Age UK Sutton
  • Price: Free
Call 02080780002 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Sutton - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Sutton
Sutton Gate
1 Carshalton Road
United Kingdom

Our Community Support team support people 50+ with regulated Information and Advice, including signposting and referral to appropriate local and national services. We can help you think about “What matters to me?” and work with you to manage and overcome challenges in your circumstances.

Information and Advice

Our trained advisers can help you with the following topics:

Your income – including free Income Maximisation checks, help with applying for benefits and pension advice, and appeals.

Your home – information on housing options, staying safe and warm at home, home adaptations and remaining independent at home

Social care – including help with accessing social services, getting some help at home, and how it's funded

Your health – including information on age-related health conditions and dealing with health services.

Legal matters – help to access support with wills, Power of Attorney, and how to deal with an estate

Local services – information on services available in Sutton, and how to access them

Transport – travel options available in Sutton, help to apply for Oyster 60+, Taxi Cards, Freedom Passes and Blue Badges

How to access the service

You can access our Community Support Information and Advice service in a number of ways:

• By phone: 020 8078 0002, 9:30am-4:30pm Monday to Friday. Our phone lines are closed between 1pm and 2pm and on weekends.
If one of our team cannot take your call you will have the option to leave a voicemail or the call will be diverted to the national charity ‘Age UK’s Advice Line.’ They will be able to offer you information but may need to take a message for one of our local team to return your call as soon as we can.
• By email: We will respond to emails within 3 working days from 9:00am the day after you sent the email.
• Using our ‘Contact Us’ form below
• At our office:  Face-to-face appointments need to be booked in advance.

Advice appointments last approximately 60 minutes, and give you an opportunity to see one of our trained advisers for a main or specific area of advice. Some issues may require longer; we will advise you ahead of time and you may need multiple appointments. You can request an appointment for advice using any of our contact methods.

• Drop In: We are open to the public for drop in visitors however you may be asked to return for a booked appointment as there may not always be someone able to see you at the time
• Home visits: These are for people who are housebound and unable to leave their homes.
• Outreach: Information sessions are held at locations across the borough and are often available as drop in services – if you would like to know where we will be please call us for more information.