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Investing In Volunteers Award

Published on 09 September 2024 04:02 PM


We have exciting news!  

Age UK Sutton is now proud to be an Investing in Volunteers achiever! 


The award shows that we value the enormous contribution made by all of you and demonstrates our commitment to volunteering within the organisation. Investing in Volunteers is the UK quality standard for all organisations involving volunteers and aims to improve the quality of the volunteering experience. 

We were assessed against six quality areas and thrived in each of them: 

  • Vision for Volunteering 
  • Planning for Volunteers 
  • Volunteer inclusion 
  • Recruiting and welcoming volunteers  
  • Supporting volunteers 
  • Valuing and developing volunteers  

A huge thank you to all of the volunteers who took part in our assessment day, and to each and every one of you for your support, hard-work and helping us to continuously improve Age UK Sutton and the lives of the people that we support. 

Further information about the Standard can be found on  

If you’d like to know more about volunteering at Age UK Sutton, we’d love to speak to you.  

  • You can call and speak to one of the team on 020 8078 0002 – sometimes we’ll need to take a message and get the right person to contact you back.  
  • You can drop in at our offices and speak to one of the team – we can also give you a paper format application form if you’d prefer this option.  

We’ll speak to you about your motivations for volunteering and match you to the right role for you where you’ll receive induction training, role specific support and safeguarding training. You will be supported by a Key Contact and given opportunities to share feedback and get supervision throughout your time as a volunteer. We want you to have a positive volunteering experience at Age UK Sutton.  

Take it from our volunteers Norman and Edna who shared their thoughts on our Investing In Volunteering award success:  

“Thank you for letting us know the outcome of the 'Volunteering' assessment.  This is good news and an outcome which properly reflects my own very positive experience as a volunteer with Age UK Sutton” - Edna 

“Excellent news, this, of course, reflects all the hard work, support, help and dedication that you and the rest of the management team and indeed all at AUKS afford us the volunteers; for which thank you from me” - Norman