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Age UK Sutton Volunteer Highlight – Meet Izzy our Welcome & Information Volunteer

Published on 13 September 2024 11:20 AM

We recently sat down with new volunteer Izzy to ask her about her experience volunteering with Age UK Sutton.

How long have you been a Volunteer at Age UK Sutton, and what is your role?

“I started training at the end of July beginning of August, so a couple of months now, my role is I am part of the Welcome and Information team, so I volunteer on the helpline, and also at the reception sometimes as well”

Can you tell us what has been your favourite part about volunteering at Age UK Sutton so far?

“So far my favourite part so far has been getting to meet people in the office and also hear the stories of the people I get to talk to on the phone and getting to know the clients and being able to help them when you can”

What was your motivation to get in to volunteering?

My motivation was, well I love to help people, and I love to help older people, but secondly I wanted to develop my skills for future employment as well, I do feel like I’m getting to do that here”

What would you tell other people about why they should get involved in volunteering at Age UK Sutton?

“I think people should become a volunteer here because its very rewarding, and they shouldn’t be nervous about volunteering because it’s very inclusive and a lovely environment to work in”

How have you been supported by the team?

“I’ve been really supported by the team, everyone here is really helpful and if I have any questions I can always speak to the manager or other colleagues or other volunteers, I think so I say that everyone here is super lovely and always there to help when you need them”

What did training look like?

“Training was, initially Charity Log training, which is the database we use, so my manager Megan she trained me on how to use Charity Log and helped me by explaining how to use it step by step and also by helping me by shadowing, and giving me information booklets to read through to give me a better understanding of and more confident on giving information to clients”

Sounds like you’ve taken on a lot of information Izzy

 “Yes I’m really enjoying it”

Is there anything else you would like to share about being an Age UK Sutton volunteer?

“I would say that it’s really rewarding and a lovely place to volunteer and its such a great place, and lovely team”

We love having you here Izzy, thank you so much for joining the team and we thank you for all the work you’re doing, you really are making such a difference!