Age UK Sutton to continue digital programme to help older people get online

Published on 05 June 2024 01:54 PM
Age UK Sutton is thrilled to announce that the Digital Champion Programme will be launching in the London Borough of Sutton this Summer. This programme will focus on helping older people in Sutton get online and learn how to use digital devices.
New analysis by Age UK has found around 4.7million[i] people aged 65 and over in the UK are unable to complete all eight of the most fundamental tasks required to use the internet successfully. These include being able to turn on devices and enter account logins, use settings and controls on a device, open applications, set up connection to WiFi, open internet browsers, keep passwords secure and change passwords when prompted to do so.
The programme, which is part of a wider Age UK Digital Champion Programme being run through local Age UKs across England and Wales, will provide digital training sessions to help those older people who want to learn how to get online. The sessions will be delivered by volunteer Digital Champions who will be trained to provide digital support to others. Those who take part in the programme will also be given access to loaned technology, allowing them to build their knowledge and practice their skills.
Phase one of the programme has been successful in directly supporting over 6,000 older people to grow their digital skills. 53% of older people who joined the programme expressed they wanted to improve their knowledge and confidence online. 90% of people supported reported they had made use of their new skills in between sessions (when attending multiple sessions).
Ann, Digital Champion Programme service user said: “People from my generation feel excluded from a society that is becoming more digital by the day and this wonderful service is invaluable and essential!”
“We’re thrilled to announce the Age UK Digital Champion Programme is launching here at Age UK Sutton. A lack of digital skills and access to technology means many older people in our area are missing out on essential services and the opportunity to connect with loved ones.
Age UK Sutton is encouraging older people in Sutton who would like to get online to get in touch to find out what digital support is available to
Age UK Sutton is also looking for Digital Champion volunteers to deliver skills sessions to older people in their area, to find out more please contact Age UK Sutton on 0208 078 0002 or email
[i] Lloyds Bank. 2023. 2023 Consumer Digital Index. Essential Digital Skills data tables. [online] Available at Accessed on 13th February 2024. Figures scaled up to population numbers by Age UK using ONS population estimates (accessed on 13th February 2024): Office for National Statistics. 21st December 2022. Dataset. Estimates of the population for the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Mid-2021 edition of this dataset. Table MYE1. [online] Available at the ONS website here
and Office for National Statistics.23rd November 2023. Dataset. Estimates of the population for England and Wales. Mid-2022: 2023 local authority boundaries edition of this dataset. Table MYE1 [online]. Available at the ONS website here