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Pension Credit

Published on 13 June 2019 08:48 AM

Pension credit is an income related benefit to give older people some extra money in their retirement. If you're on a low income is received or you are struggling to make ends meet, claiming pension credit could help. Pension credit comes in two parts: 
Part one 
Guarantee Credit tops up your weekly income to £167.25 (for single people) or £255.25 (for couples)
Part two 
Savings credit is extra money if you have got some savings or if your income is higher then the basic state pension, if you have reached state pension age. You could get up to:
£13.73 extra per week if you are single 
£15.35 extra per week if you are a couple 
Other benefits linked to Pension Credit are:
  • Free TV Licence 
  • Non payment of Council tax
  • Free NHS dental treatment 
  • £25 cold weather payment, when the temperature is below 0°C
  • If you rent your home you may get paid in full housing benefit 
  • Homer owner, help with mortgage interest and ground rent services
  • Carer premium, if you are a carer this is worth up to £36.85 per week 
If you would like further information about Pension Credit, please call us on 020 8915 2233 to book an appointment to speak to one of our advisers.