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You can contact Age UK Sutton by post, email or make an enquiry using our online form below for either public enquiries. You can also drop-in to our office (see operating hours).

For professional referrals, please click here.

Our office address:

Sutton Gate
1 Carshalton Road
Sutton, SM1 4LE

Our offices are located at the top of Sutton High Street, almost opposite the Sutton Police Station 

Our phone number:

020 8078 0002

Our email:

Operating Hours: 

Our drop-in service is open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Please note, it may not always be possible to speak to a specific team member or deal with your enquiry in full on the day. Booking an appointment or follow up call may be required.

Our main office operates from Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm. 

Public enqueries: online form

If you have an enquiry for us, you can use this digtial form to get in touch with us online.

If you wish to make a client referral to an Age UK Sutton service such as Home from Hospital, please complete the referral form on the Make a referral page.

The information collected in this form will be stored on our secure database and used to contact you about your enquiry.  For more information about how we store and use your information, please see our privacy policy.

Report a safeguarding concern

All of us have a right to a life free from violence and abuse

Some of us are more at risk of abuse than others due to our age, disability, physical or mental ill health or substance misuse. We are committed to a 'zero tolerance' approach to the abuse of vulnerable adults.

  • Abuse is when someone does or says things to make you upset or frightened
  • You may be scared to speak out or to stop them
  • You may be abused on purpose or by someone who may not realise that what they are doing is abusive
  • It can be when someone has power over you and you do not agree to what is happening 
  • It may be due to neglect

If you are concerned about the way you or someone you know, is being treated, please contact us using the online form above. 

If you would like to speak to a member of our team urgently, you call 020 8770 4090. 

You can also contact the Sutton Council’s Adults and Safeguarding Referral Point on 020 8770 4565, or

In an emergency call the police on 999


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