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Tech Support: drop in centre in Guildford

  • Location: Age UK Surrey Tech Support Centre Guildford
  • Price: Free
Call 01483503414 for more info

A donation toward the running costs is greatly appreciated.

Age UK Surrey Tech Support Centre Guildford
Dray Court
Madrid Road
United Kingdom

Come to our Drop-in sessions in Guildford on Wednesdays - for help with your computer problems.

Our friendly and experienced team of volunteers will help you learn and improve your skills

Bring your own laptop, iPad, Tablet or Mobile Phone and its mains lead/charger and use our Wi-Fi connection. No matter how big or small the question our team will do their best to help you solve and understand your problem.

We also offer information on buying a computer or tablet, connecting to the internet and protecting your computer or tablet.

Drop In on Wednesdays 10am - 12pm

Commencing Wednesday 25th September, the Tech Centre at Dray Court in Guildford will have Drop-In sessions on Wednesdays from 10am to12pm.