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Age UK Surrey service
Knowing that a knowledgeable and reliable gardener sourced by Age UK Surrey is taking care of your garden provides peace of mind.
Age UK Surrey
We have several exercise classes at The Clockhouse Community Centre to suit everyone. Dance Fit. Move and Groove. Better Balance. Read below for more information.
The Clockhouse Community Centre
Pilates for Seniors. Strengthen your core, improve balance, posture and flexibility for longevity.
Better balance is a range of exercise classes which improve strength and balance.
Come to the Clockhouse Cafe for breakfast, coffees, speciality teas, paninis, homemade cakes and a lovely lunch menu.
We are offering a new beauty service provided by Niccis Beauty with a whole range of treatments.
A special day service for our older residents with caring staff and volunteers to provide support.
Our friendly and experienced team of volunteers will help you learn and improve your skills whether you are a beginner or someone with computer experience. We are open Monday 10.00am - 12.00pm in the Clockhouse Community Centre, Milford.