Lasting Power of Attorney

- Location: Age UK Surrey
- Price: Costs may vary
Our service includes home visits: One LPA costs £350.00 (no VAT). Two LPAs for one person cost £400 (no VAT) For two people living in the same household, four LPAs cost £600 (no VAT)
Age UK Surrey
The Clockhouse Community Centre
Chapel Lane
United Kingdom
Telephone: 07593 139549
Thinking of the future? Lasting Powers of Attorney can make things easier for you and your loved ones.
Who will you turn to if you need help with your financial paperwork?
Who will be able to tell the medical staff your preferences in the event that you are unable to communicate due to illness or accident?
Age UK Surrey are pleased to offer a Lasting Power of Attorney service to Surrey residents aged fifty or over.
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
Lasting Powers of Attorney are documents that enable you, while you still have mental capacity, to appoint trusted loved one(s), whether it be a relative or good friend, as your attorney(s). There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney:
• one that will allow your attorneys to help you with financial matters
• and one that will help you with matters relating to your health.
Lasting Power of Attorney Leaflet
Our LPA Leaflet is now available to download. If you would like printed copies, please email us with the number of copies you would like and your contact details.