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Explore more information about planning for care, social care support and local health and wellbeing services:

Connect to Support Surrey

Connect to Support Surrey is an online directory of local support and services to help you, or your loved ones, stay independent. Search for the wealth of support available where you live, such as food deliveries to your home, transport options, help to stay active or feel less isolated, support for people looking after someone, home care and much more.



Eligibility for social care support

National eligibility rules set out within the Care Act 2014  determine whether you qualify for support from the council. A decision on your eligibility can only be made once we understand your needs. This is done through a support needs assessment. 


Paying for adult social care

You may need to contribute towards the cost of your care. The amount you will be asked to pay will depend on your income, savings and expenditure.


Arranging and paying for your own care

Equipment and Technology

If you, or someone you look after is struggling with everyday tasks, then simple equipment, new technology or small changes to your home can make the difference between living independently and needing someone to help you.


Do you look after someone?

If you look after a family member, a partner, or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail, struggle with mental health or substance abuse, or have a disability, then you are considered to be a carer.


Mental Health Support

There are many types of mental health problems which can be caused by changes in people's lives such as bereavement, relationship breakdown, losing a job or unemployment.


Supported Independent Living

Supported independent living can be ideal for people with a learning disability, physical disability or mental health need who want to live as independently as possible and need some support to do so.


Extra care housing

Extra Care Housing is similar to sheltered housing in that the accommodation usually consists of individual, self-contained flats, each with its own front door.


Your voice matters

Adult Social Care (ASC) aims to support people to live their best lives and want to hear from more local people. What matters to you to live safe, healthy, fulfilling, and independent lives?


Surrey Care Services Directory

The Surrey Care Services Directory is a comprehensive guide to adult care services and related information for Surrey.


Healthy Surrey

Supported by the Health and Wellbeing Board, this website helps you find self-care information, as well as signposting to local services available to you as a Surrey resident.


Practical Guide to Healthy Aging - Age UK and NHS

The advice here will help improve health and general fitness
of people of any age, but it is written to be particularly relevant for people
who are about 70 years or older