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Join our shed, make new friends and get the chance to practise skills and work on a range of wood working projects.

We are pleased to announce that Age UK Surrey has entered a partnership with Merrist Wood College. The college has provided a Men in Sheds space that officially opened on Friday 17th June 2022. 

The address is: Men in Sheds, Merrist Wood College, Holly Lane, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. 

Want to join? Call us on 01483 503414

To join the shed or for more information do call or email us.

What is Men in Sheds?                        

The Men in Sheds is a traditional leisure activity, that allows men to socialise, make new friends and learn new skills.

The main Shed activity is woodworking, which is carried out in a well-equipped workshop which includes hand tools, portable power tools and small machines. Supervision is by well-qualified and experienced leaders. Men work on their own projects and also participate in making items for sale to help with funding for the Shed.

Other activities are organised from the Shed which have included, local community projects, fishing, photography and visits to places of interest.

The Men in Sheds have used the carpentry skills they've learned at 'The Shed' to produce some beautifully crafted items. Click on the link below to see the range of items available to buy with the suggested donated amount.

Men in Sheds opening times:                   

Tuesday to Friday each week.
Morning sessions: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Afternoon sessions: 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Fridays: No afternoon sessions, only morning ones.
Members usually attend for 1 morning or 1 afternoon session each week.
Subscriptions are £20/month payable by standing order.

View & purchase items crafted by Men in Sheds...

Why is this activity so important?

Catherine Hodgson, CEO, Age UK Surrey said ‘Retirement creates a void and our research showed that lone men were less likely to engage in activities and social interaction than women’. Activities and social inclusion help improve feelings of well-being and fewer trips to the Doctor.

New shedder Ed commented, "I lost my wife about 18 months ago and I’m trying to be more sociable so I was really pleased to find this one on the internet".